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The IEEE Canadian Foundation cultivates relationships and resources to advance the IEEE core purpose to foster technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity.

To fulfill its role, the IEEE Canadian Foundation relies on donations to support McNaughton Centres across Canada, award scholarships and grants to innovative projects; and administers donor designated funds that support a variety of humanitarian projects and peer recognition programs of IEEE in Canada.


Each year at dues renewal, IEEE Canada members have an opportunity to transform lives by donating to the IEEE Canadian Foundation scholarships, grants, awards, etc. to IEEE student members, IEEE student branches, and others in Canada. On the web or print form, look for "Donate Now", expand the list, and choose IEEE Canadian Foundation.

Canadian Life Members when affirming their continuing membership also have this option.

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News bulletins...      News bulletins… Next deadline is November 15 for applications for McNaughton Learning Resource Centre Grants, Special Grants and VT Travel Grants. Please donate while renewing your IEEE membership - look for the "IEEE Canadian Foundation" line or donate online using our website.
Our Donors are Appreciated
You can donate directly and securely in Canadian dollars and receive tax receipts by return email using a specialized Canadian donation website, or in other ways as described on our donations page. Any amount, any time, is appreciated.
IEEE Canadian Foundation Donations Image
Scholarships and prizes can be endowed. Future giving can be planned by naming the foundation as a beneficiary in your will or life insurance policy.

Meet Our Donors
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Theodore Wildi, IEEE Life Senior Member, has been recognized for his leadership in the field of electrical engineering as an industrialist, inventor, educator, and outstanding contributor to the development of power distribution and control systems and the technical and scientific literature.
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Our Grants lead to Success
Our grants assist our young engineers and engineering students, to develop practical skills. Here is one of our success stories.

The Space Elevator is a system based on a super-strong ribbon going from the surface of the Earth to a point beyond geosynchronous orbit. Vehicles climb the ribbon powered by a beam of energy projected from the surface of the Earth.

Space Elevator Image
A multidisciplinary team from the University of Saskatchewan wins first place in NASA's 2010 space elevator competition.

IEEE McNaughton Centres
The IEEE Canadian Foundation provides grants to establish and upgrade IEEE McNaughton Learning Resource Centres in 41 Canadian Universities and Colleges across Canada. These centres enhance the learning experience of our engineering students.
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